Smart Led
The "Blink Led" but in IoT style!

In this tutorial you will see how quick and easy is to use the ChipChop IoT engine to create a smart device that you can control over the internet from anywhere in the world.

To follow this tutorial you will need at least some basic experience using Arduino with VS Code and PlatformIO. If you want to use this example with Arduino IDE watch first the ChipChop Library tutorial, this example is included with the library and can be accessed through the Arduino IDE "Examples > Examples from custom libraries" menu.

For this project you will need to build a very basic "Blink Led" circuit (microcontroller, an led and a resistor). If you don't know how, there are many examples on the web so have a look around first. ChipChop is built to handle a gazzilion things for you but you still have to have some basic knowledge in building simple electronic circuits.

Things that you will need:
  • ESP8266 or ESP32 microcontroller
  • Breadboard, resistor, led light and few wires
  • Free ChipChop Developer Account
  • VS Code & PlatformIO or Arduino IDE

This tutorial has example code included in the ChipChop Arduino Library. You will find the download link below the video or go to the Downloads section in the Dev Console. If you get stuck, post a question in the forum and I am sure that some good soul will get you unstuck

Download Code

Questions & Answers

Q: The examples are all for ESP8266/ESP32. I only have and Arduino board, what can I do?
A: ESP chips have a built-in WiFi stack, they are cheap, well supported through Arduino framework and used in millions of household devices so they are a good choice for exploring IoT and that's why they are used in the code examples. If your Arduino boards doesn't support WiFi you may need an expansion board or a Wifi Shield and some of them are actually based on the ESP chipset so again the examples are well suited.
The ChipChop library should in theory work with anything that can be programmed with Arduino and can use the Arduino Websocket2 library. If your board is supported through Websockets2 than you shouldn't have to modify almost anything in the examples but of course if you get stuck just ask for help in the forum.

Q: I've built something cool, can I have it published on ChipChop?
A: Yes, you can. Anything that is cool, creative, clever, innovative, funny and that could inspire others is welcome.
The article/instructable has to be freshly written and not just a direct copy/paste of some old project published somewhere else.
You are allowed to have a few affiliate links and you can use a YouTube video from your own channel but no other form of advertising is allowed.
If your article is accepted and published you will get some free ChipChop perks ;-)
Contact Gizmo through the forum for detailed instructions.