IoT brain-juice for your Arduino, ESP8266/ESP32, Raspberry Pi, Adafruit, Espruino, Jetson, Beaglebone ... or whatever micro-controller pet you may have
What is it?

ChipChop is a lightning fast little IoT cloud engine that cuts through the complexities of transforming your little gizmos into Smart IoT Devices

If you are a hobbyist, student, software developer, artist or just plain common geek that likes to tinker with micro-electronics and you want to easily remote control those pesky little micro-controllers in a Home Automation style... this is the place.

ChipChop's engine is also device agnostic, it couldn't care less what you've plugged at the other end. If it's an Arduino type micro-controller or something bigger like Raspberry PI, nVidia Jetson, laptop, phone, Node.js, Electron app, The Matrix itself ... anything goes.

Oh, yeah...and you can experiment with it for free as much as you like!
Dev Console

Powerful browser based Development Console

There is no messing around with mind bending JSON documents, XML, CLI mumbo-jumbo and all that shizzle, the Dev Console has a proper interface with buttons, menus, point & know...softwarey stuff.

The Console takes care of translating your choices into the complex instruction that the ChipChop IoT engine can understand.

All with no fuss in: real-time, live and executing instantly!
Web App

For everyday use, designed for mobile phones but without annoying updates!

The Web App is the direct interface with your devices that fits in a pocket. It works like any Smart Device app allowing you to quickly switch things on / off, view readings, adjust color, brightness and fire custom commands.

You can also create automated Actions (routines) that run when certain things happen or even action behavior for entire groups of devices ... and ... it's thumb friendly, you can have a cup of coffee in one hand and still switch your Arduino toaster on!

Because it's designed to work through the web browser you will never be pestered with annoying updates, no need to download anything from App stores and it works on Android, iOS, phones & tablets. And, if you add it to your phone home screen you would struggle to tell that it's not a native app.
Amazon Alexa can now connect your Arduinos, ESPs or pretty much anything directly with lady Alexa!!!

No hacks, third party services and half-assed libraries that don't work. ChipChop has it's own Amazon Lambda and it's own Smart Home Skill for Alexa approved and published with Amazon.

Connecting your devices with Alexa is fully integrated into the Dev Console. It takes only couple of clicks to activate and you can start to shout and command your micro-controller slaves all day long.


Want to take it for a ride?

Here's the deal

You can get a free platform access on one of the ChipChop community engines to experiment, test, run personal projects, mess around, anything you want for personal use. For commercial testing/deployment it's ok too, just get in touch first as there are more private options available that are not published here.

To avoid unnecessary waste of resources, if you stop using the platform for too long you will be considered not interested and your system resources will be re-allocated to someone else who needs them.

This offer is on a first come first serve basis , there is a weekly limit on new account activations and you may have to wait a day or so for your turn.
Make sure that you use a valid email address as it will be required to activate your account.

What do you get
The following list may not look very long but it's actually an insane amount of resources allocated for you to play!
  • Shared resources on one of the ChipChop community engines
  • 3,000,000 monthly platform requests
  • 5,000 monthly Alexa requests
  • 10 x device persistent bi-directional channels
  • 10 components per device
  • 10 x Virtual Triggers
    multifunctional and designed to be used with Alexa !
  • 10 second per device Heartbeat
  • up to 1kb status data packet per Heartbeat
  • 6 Event Triggers per minute per device
    500 millisecond spaced micro-bursts allowed !

Request Access