Hi, I am Gizmo,

I've built and run this place and here's a bit of info about it

About ChipChop

It was never my intention to create a full blown IoT Device Cloud platform, all I wanted was for few simple smart devices that I bought online to work together. You know, a little light switch, motion sensor and an led strip in my kitchen! I wasn't asking for much, right?

Oh, but no amigo, things don't work that way in the current world of smart home automation. Everything works through a gazillion apps and their hodgepodge device clouds, nothing is inter-connected and occasionally your smart lightbulb may decide to hack your home network !

Yeah, figuring that out made me really grumpy so I took things into my own hands.

And that's it, that's how ChipChop started, a small personal project that enabled me to make my own smart IoT devices and completely bypass the IoT industry mess...life has been good since.

I guess stuff like this happens, some people bake banana bread, I build tech platforms when I get annoyed!

Have fun, enjoy and share,