Web App

Using the Dev Console to interact with your smart little IoT gizmos is ok but the Dev Console is designed for a mouse, keyboard and at least a laptop size screen (maybe a tablet at a push).
So, I thought, if big ass coorporates can invest few bucks and build the likes of Alexa app, SmartThings, Hue ..etc. why can't ChipChop have the same? (oh...wait...I don't have that much cash to pay someone to do it...booo...another thing I have to build myself :-(

The Web App (suggestions for a snazzier name are welcome!) is your day to day interface with ChipChop. It's simple and easy to use and runs on anything that has a web browser.

The reason why it's a web app is because I hate with absolute passion building native iOS and Android apps.
If you have to endure the pains of app aprovals, endless updates and compatibility bollox you will sympathize with me and send me a box of chocolates with a "Get Better Soon" card.

It's designed for mobile phone screens so it fits conveniently in your pocket. If you have enough cerebral storage memorise the url: my.chipchop.io, if not, bookmark it in your browser, add it to your phone home screen, tattoo it or tell Alexa to remember it for you.

This page partially belongs in the Dev Console docs but because it's also a completely stand-alone ChipChop system I thought it deserves a separate section (one page but hey-ho it's the effort that counts)

So, in the Dev Console you will find a section labeled Web App, it's simply a settings page where you choose what components you want to see in the Web Viewer's little device widgets, the actual app lives in the above mentioned my.chipchop.io

That's it!

Honestly, I struggle with what else to write here, if you can't figure out how to use it then there's seriously something wrong with you, go seek help from the first 10 year old you can find.

Ok, here's the final words of wisdom:

If you can do something in the Dev Console but can't find the same option in the Web App then use the Dev Console