ChipChop Development Console

The ChipChop Development Console is your best friend when doing any work with ChipChop. I would like to say that it's "idiot proof" and that "a child can use it"...but...I'm sure that some of you will over time prove me wrong :-P

If you get stuck, don't understand how to use something or what some things are for, don't give up. Fire a question in the Forum and some good soul will help you.

The Dev Console has a straight forward interface:
  • Header with links to the Toolbox Section or the Alexa Connect section

  • Tools menu on the left that can be collapsed if you are working on a smaller screen to give you more space

  • Central "Editor" area where you do any actual work

  • Live Status pannel at the bottom that show's every 10 seconds the current status of your devices

  • Quick Tips pannel on the right showing hints on how to do certain things

In the following sections I will be explaining what the logic is behind various options.
Each button or menu is clearly labeled and should be quite obvious what it does and if you are unsure just press it and see what happens!

Tip: Any work that you do will need to be saved. The "SAVE" button is allways at the bottom of the Editor pannel.

You may find an occasional link to an API page which will contain more detailed information but as I personally hate having to jump back and forth when reading documentation I will try and keep those at the minimum.