Using Groups

This is probably the simplest section to use and requires very little explanation!

You can organise your devices in different groups, for example based on the rooms in your house or by device type or whatever you fancy.

One nice feature is that by using Actions you can send simple commands to the entire group in one go.
For example you can send a commands "ON/OFF" to the entire Bedroom Lights group or a custom text command "Blinds Up" to all blinds in the house

Command Options

Important: A command sent to a group will be sent to each device individually with the target set as any not a specific component.
So, if you have a simple device with just one component, let say a single led light then any command received is meant for that led light. But, if you have a device with many parts if that device receives let's say a command ON and no target component specified it will be unclear which component should react.
For that reason, if you are targeting groups you may want to use custom Text commands so you can be more specific (example: 'lights ON', 'power OFF', 'blinds UP' etc...)

Text Command
Send a text string up to 1000 bytes
Numeric Command
Send a number - integer or float
be careful that you don't exceed the max integer size for your device. ChipChop's max integer value is 9007199254740991
Send ON or OFF (as string)
Send DETECTED or NOT_DETECTED (as string)
Send copy of trigger status
This is a special system command that sends the entire status of one device (trigger device) to another (target device)

It's a powerful feature enbling you to create complex multi-device setups or even virtual Mesh networking over the Internet!