ChipChop API References

Creating an API sucks...full stop!

My choices were, shall I go lazy ass and CLI you to death or build everything to run on glorious XML (for you youngsters that don't know, XML is an ancient language invented by the Devil and as a child you had to read it as a punishment if you didn't eat your vegetables...kinda, slightly worse than PHP)

Nah, luckily I am not a sadist so I've tried to make this as simple as it can be for a platform the size of ChipChop.

There is only 6-7 tiny interfaces that you need to understand and the brain power you will need to use is absolutely minimal.

These pages are intended for those of you that want to use ChipChop with non-Arduino devices, interface directly from some software applications or just want to have a better understanding on how things work.

The API pages follow a logical step-by-step pattern and will guide you through the process of
  1. Establishing a connection to ChipChop
  2. Sending your device status so you can view it anywhere
  3. Triggering an event when something important happens
  4. Your device receiving and understanding the commands you remotely send
  5. Using a free Real Time Clock to synchronise your device

The langugage that you use can be anything, all exchange of information is done through JSON formatted strings and those are also kept super simple to save processing time at both ends.