ChipChop Unique User ID - UUID

Your ChipChop UUID is automatically generated for you when your Development Console is activated. You should keep this code safe and not disclose it publicly.

You can find your ChipChop UUID in your Development Console either in the "My Account" section or in the top part of the screen in most sections.

Your UUID always has to be transmitted with any information sent to ChipChop. Your device sends it when initiating the connection, with it's heartbeat or when triggering events.
This is a security requirement as even though the socket connection with your device is persistent and unique ChipChop still references every request against its internal database.

Here is a "heartbeat" example event send by your device: {"api_call":"heartbeat","command":"heartbeat","uuid":"ChpChpUsRf5c40b64c03f0b607ae9b51a3803","device_id":"0000001","status":{"temperature_sensor":{"value":23}}