Unique Device ID

Same as the UUID your Unique Device ID (device_id) is also sent with any information sent to ChipChop. In combination with your UUID it creates a unique reference in the ChipChop database and also creates a single dedicated socket channel reserved only for your device.

1. You will setup your Device Unique ID in the Development Console when you create your devices and it can be anything you like but it has to be unique for each device.

2. The Device ID you have specified in the Dev Console has to match exactly the ID you will be sending from your physical device

If you stupidly assign the same device ID to different devices various funky things will happen:

- Both devices will be perceived as one and their heartbeats will get merged
- If both devices have same components their statuses will get all mixed up
- Only one device will be able to establish a connection with ChipChop and the other one will be rejected until the first one disconnects.
- Alexa will ask for a divorce, take all your money and disapear into the sunset

Don't be a dumb ass (like I was few times :-) and double check your device IDs as you can end up with seriously bad and unpredicatble behavior!

Here is a "heartbeat" JSON example event send by a device: {"api_call":"heartbeat","command":"heartbeat","uuid":"ChpChpUsRf5c40b64c03f0b607ae9b51a3803","device_id":"weather_station","status":{"temperature_sensor":{"value":23}}