Setting up devices for Amazon Alexa

So, you've connected your ChipChop account with your Alexa account, now it's time to inform Alexa about your devices and their capabilities.

In the Dev Console under Alexa Connect > Link Devices you will find a simple interface where you can choose which devices and their components you want to expose to Alexa.

Alexa supports a limited range of devices and how complex they can be so I have created a sort of mapping between ChipChop's device types and Alexa's. Be aware that certain components simply don't have a corresponding type in Alexa and also certain combinations of components may not work.

So, what device setup works? Well...I have no clue! There is no clear cut explanation in the Alexa API and the only way to find out is to experiment.

It can be fun creating somewhat mutant devices that show in weird ways in the Alexa app but my advice is to keep things simple, use Virtual Triggers with Alexa and the ChipChop's Web App to interact with your devices.
The main reason why I have built the Web App in the first place is because I couldn't get all my devices to show the way I wanted in the Alexa app and also because the Alexa usage can go through the roof.

(read more about usage allowance in the next section)

Link Devices - Options
Alexa enabled
Enable/Disable the two way communication between your device and Alexa.

When enabled a discovery request will be sent to your Alexa app and the device "should" apear in the devices list.
When disabled a delete request will be sent to Alexa and your device should be removed from the Alexa app automatically.
Alexa display category
Various available Alexa device categories. You can choose whatever category you want but there is no guarantee that your device will show correctly in that category!

If you keep things simple and lets say you have a device with only one temperature sensor and you set the category to TEMPERATURE SENSOR than yes, it will show ok. Or, if you have one ON/OFF button and you put it in the SWITCH category things will be fine.

Start adding bunch of components and using categories like CHRISTMASS TREE or SLOW COOKER then fuck knows, good luck but you are on your own...if you survive the experiments post some shots or videos of what you've created!

My advice, stick to category "OTHER"
Components settings
Choose which component you are exposing to Alexa.

Click on the component name and then set the Use with Alexa to Yes or No There is a limited set of supported components and components that don't have a corresponding type in Alexa will be greyed out.

If you need something specific and it's not available, submit your idea in the forum and we will see what can be done