Linking your account with Amazon Alexa

Implementing this part of ChipChop was one of the most painfull jobs that required building some serious infrastructure to make it work the way I wanted. For you, it's a single click and one-time logging in with Amazon, that's it!

In essence, the process behind the scenes is all about exchanging permissions, secret codes and cloak & dagger stuff (sort of like a marriage contract).

Technically you are authorising two of your accounts, one with Amazon Alexa and one with ChipChop to communicate between themselves.

The entire process is designed so no account details can be accessed on either side (you will just become an encrypted "token"...sad, I know)
So if you have registered with ChipChop as "Hairy Bob" and your real identity on Amazon is "Bertha Vajazzle" don't worry, ChipChop will ever and only know you as that nice Mr Bob and Alexa as that pretty lady Bertie.

Here's the instruction:
  1. In the Dev Console go to the Alexa Connect » Link Accounts
  2. Click the 'CONNECT' button, it will open a new secure window with the Amazon server
  3. Log into ChipChop using the Login With Amazon
  4. Wait few seconds for the confirmation and then you can close the window
That's it. Proceed to the Link Devices section to start adding devices to Alexa.

When you connect a device to Alexa through the Dev Console that request is sent straight away, if you open the Alexa app it should show that new devices have been discovered.

Sometime for reasons unkown to me and without any logical pattern, the Alexa app doesn't show new devices discovery until:
  • Either you fully restart the Alexa app (you have to really kill the app on iOS)
  • Or go through the "Add Device" automatic process, it's under: All Devices => + icon (at the top) => Add Device => Oher (at the end of the list)

To correctly and fully unlink your ChipChop account from Alexa go to "Alexa Connect » Link Accounts" in the Dev Console and click the "DISCONNECT" button.
Then open the Alexa on your phone and go to "Skills & Games => Your Skills", find ChipChop and click "Settings => Disable Skill"

Amazon doesn't provide a more automated way to do this so it's impossible to make this process a single click directly from the Dev Console.